
Inna ma’al ‘usri yusron

Everybody knows that life is up in the air. We don’t know what will coming through. But, even though that’s the fact, we always want certainty. Taking control, hoping something going work as we want.

As the theme for this week, the fear I have to face on now is uncertainty. As I got new roles as wife and board in new ship with a new captain, my husband, life make me face them with new perspective. So much things change, so much challenges. I need to go deep water and choose, sink or swim!

Uncertainty becomes main aroma in my life, nowadays. Pandemic, changing in my study plan, my husband’s new plan. So many things, right in front of my head, are covered. Both of us don’t know what exactly will come. Both of us don’t have control over it. And that’s scare me a lot.

What if, what if, and what if. Nothing clear ahead are more frightening that definite danger. Whereas, there are a lot of opportunities that everything will going well. My greed of assurance blind me from these powerful hope!

Setan menjanjikan (menakut-nakuti) kemiskinan kepadamu dan menyuruh kamu berbuat keji (kikir), sedangkan Allah menjanjikan ampunan dan karunia-Nya kepadamu. Dan Allah Mahaluas, Maha Mengatahui.

QS. Al-Baqarah: 268

I think, that’s why, we have to tawakkal. Put our heart at ease by believing that Allah will never leave us alone, sad, and hopeless. Allah will never betrayed us as long as we put our belief on Him. Uncertainty of future will always there, but, by easing our heart, we can give our best without draining energy on something that we couldn’t control. Focus on your circle of influence, not circle on concern.

Badai pasti berlalu! This too shall pass. Every painful step and stage we are now will fade away as we move on. Every cloud has silver lining! Inna ma’al ‘usri yusron. Allah promises us with goodness and barakah for those who belief.

Let’s try and put our effort harder. Let’s pray more solemn and surrender. Let’s put more faith on our belief! May Allah blesses us, as always.

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