Comforting Feeling

How often you pay more attention and listen carefully to the lyrics of the song and meaning within it?

All of cultural products deliver some meanings with them. Whether bad or good impact, cultural products bring it’s meaning within. So does music and song.

I and my friends had intriguing discussion about song and singer. Some singers got effected by their song’s messages. Songs which contain affairs and bad romantic relationship affect the singers to have a failure romantic relationship. Maybe song is reflection of it’s singer.

You did well today!

So are the listeners. In my shallow point of view, our choice of song and music reflect our decision of life. That’s why I love a comforting song which recharge my fighting spirit to face this terrible but beautiful word, once again.

So, let me introduce this calming song from Rooftop Moonlight or OKDAL (abbreviation of 옥상달빛). This duo deliver a very light and calming feeling after battling over a hectic day. I get motivation to appreciate my self more, and of course, appreciate my life.

Watch “[I’m LIVE] Okdal & You did good today (옥상달빛 & 수고했어 오늘도)” on YouTube Happy listening~ Let the warm and acceptance feeling fulfil our hearts.

Eighth day theme: the power of music.

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